Watch The Great Digression Starring Travis Parker 6 Oct 2020 Απόλαυσέ τον μοναδικό ινφλουένσερ των ναϊντίς Travis Parker σε μια ωμή εξομολόγηση που αφορά έναν αγώνα ψυχικής υγείας και ισορροπίας που πολλοί από εμάς έχουν βιώσει άμεσα ή έμμεσα…!
Kostis Migkos Photo Take Over- Hosted by 48x17 Cycles 2 Sep 2020 Επειδή μεσογειακές στιγμές εικονοποιημένες από τον ταλαντούχο Κωστή Μίγκο στον πολυχώρο του 48x17 Cycles(Βεΐκου 2) είναι μάλλον κάτι που δεν πρέπει να χάσεις! 48x17 presents a photography take over from all time favorite photographer/ adventurer/ traveler...
Weird Waves Season 1-Surfing The Great Lakes! 8 Jan 2019 Ο Dylan Graves συνεχίζει να μας παρουσιάζει κύματα στα ποιο απρόσμενα μέρη του πλανήτη και αυτή τη φορά μας μεταφέρει στην λίμνη Superior της Μινεσότα ....WTF?
Surf Art Festival Vol.5 4 Jun 2018 To Surf Art Festival επιστρέφει για 5η χρονιά και για τρεις μέρες, από τις 15 μέχρι τις 17 Ιουνίου μας προσκαλεί στο Ολυμπιακό Συγκρότημα Φαλήρου (Beach Volley-απέναντι από το Ίδρυμα Πολιτισμού «Σταύρος Νιάρχος» με δικό του χώρο...
Chris Cole: Want a great idea? Ask a skateboarder. 1 Mar 2015 Ο Chris Cole εξηγεί γιατί οι σκέιτερ είναι trendsetters, καινοτόμοι, και out-of-the-box οραματιστές...Όντως !!!
La Dolce Vita - Leonardo Fioravanti 16 Feb 2015 Italy isn’t exactly known for generating groundbreaking talent in the surfing world, but in Leonardo Fioravanti they’ve produced just that. A hidden gem. The next great prodigy in world surfing.Desillusion Magazine’s editor in chief Sebastien Zanella followed Leo from Hawaii to Roma to gain an insight into his remarkable adolescence. The video is based on the article "La...
Volcom Stone's PBRJ European Tour 2015 | Stop #1 Crans-Montana, Switzerland 9 Feb 2015 The first stop of the Volcom PBRJ European Tour was hosted by the CRANS-MONTANA SNOWPARK in Switzerland. This resort is just awesome...location, support, atmosphere and weather have just been great and we had a blast there.The Crans-Montana shaper crew built a very creative set-up, fun to ride for all riders from pros to groms. It consisted of a solid down rail, a flat-down rail, and a rail to...
MONSTER ENERGY Athens SX 2012! 11 Dec 2012 This past weekend one of Athens biggest annual events took place at S.E.F. arena...2012's ATHENS SUPERCROSS powered by MONSTER ENERGY is always a treat not only for bike lovers but an opportunity to see live a great show that you don't get to see everyday! Seriously,how often do you get to see head to head battles on dirt and guys flipping motorbikes on 25m kickers? So this year the...
VOULIAGMENI 28-29-30-11-12...part 1 3 Dec 2012 Vouliagmeni offered waves for 3 days straight ...sometimes small and windy and some other times bigger and cleaner...but surfing near your house always feels great...right?Check out some photos that Makis Katopodis sent us and stay tuned for part 2! Isidoros racing down the line! Lino a.k.a'' 5starcrush '' about to frontside snap !!!He can repair your board...
Ouzounis Diving Session 13 Aug 2012 George Ouzounis is better known for his snowboarding skills but here's a little cliff diving refreshing session... Even if the crisis is hitting hard there are always ways to have fun! Have a great summer everyone! ouzounis diving session from on Vimeo.
a weekend in tinos-Chunky Donkey! 1 Jul 2012 Chunky Donkey from A Black Spot on Vimeo. Another great edit by A Black Spot about surfing in Tinos......where Sir Francis Beaufort meets a donkey and a poor lamb takes a rest , forever....!
Tales from the northwest part 3! 30 May 2012 Winter is officially over are some great waves that were ridden from february till March at the north west coastline of Greece . Loukas getting barreled in his backyard Stamatis Arsenikos with a frontside snap. Unknown soul racing down the line . Backside snap by Xronis. All photos by Danai (visions of d).
THE GREAT BOARDERS 2012-The mall contest video! 30 May 2012 Here is the edit of The Greek Skateboarding Championsips that took place at The Mall Athens on 25-26/5/2012 powered by frulite on the go. The Greek skaters presented some great skateboarding.ENJOY!!! ...filmed edited by Kostas Mandilas!
Notis Aggelis - Raw Footy 17 May 2012 Notis Aggelis got talent, style and great skills and this raw footy proves it. ENJOY!!! <br /> Filmed and edited by Ronny Skevis
Cohete Surfboards 'Red Eye'. 2 May 2012 New model for cohete surfboards called'' RED EYE" and one of the primary in the line designs for waves from 1-4 ft. Designed in great coalition with team rider Loukas for use in all around conditions.. From mushy fun waves to head high clean faces 'Red Eye' will do the job, after 2 years of innovating and surfing in a variety of conditions all over the world....