Amsterdam Vans Shop Riot Finals 2019 With Slut Boardshop Crew! 1 Nov 2019 Ακολουθείστε τους Θάνο Πάνου, Άλεξ Ρόπη, Στέφανο Οικονομάκη και την υπόλοιπη Slutboardshop αποστολή στον τελικό του Vans Shop Riot 2019 στο Άμστερνταμ!Funtimes or What?!
Amsterdam part 3 ''Giannis Gekopoulos'' 22 Dec 2011 In case you missed part 1 (Notis Aggelis) part 2 (Thanos Panou)
Amsterdam part 1 "Notis Aggelis" 11 Dec 2011 Benihana During the volcom am contest which was held in Amsterdam we were (Thanos Panou,Notis Aggelis,John Geko,AL and i ) lucky enough to move and scan the whole city by car..this is the outcome of 3 days on the road.. Footplant Tuck knee
JOURNEY TO VALHALLA 20 Oct 2011 The Globe team hit up Europe from July 4-12. Rodney Mullen, David Gonzalez, Chris Haslam, Mark Appleyard, Ryan Decenzo, Luan Oliveira, and Louie Lopez destroyed Europe for the first time since Globe's EUnited Tour in 2009. The whole crew pushed through Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin and Oslo...! JOURNEY TO VALHALLA from GLOBE on Vimeo.
half day with fat freddy's drop 8 Oct 2011 After an interesting 2hours' soundcheck at the Memorial Hall in Queenstown, I had the chance to join some members of the band while they were dinning and chit chatted a bit with Tony Chang aka Toby the trumpeter. FFD don't seem to like studios a lot. Most of their albums are recorded while live performing in front of an audience. They develop their music at their shows and...
Amsterdam Am Contest 23 Jul 2011 Πρίν απο 20 μέρες πραγματοποιήθηκε το volcom Amsterdam Am στο οποίο έδωσαν το παρόν ο Νότης Αγγελής,ο Θάνος Πάνου και Γιάννης Γκεκόπουλος.Το πάρκο της Volcom στο οποίο θα γινόταν το contest βρίσκετε στον πρώτο όροφο ενός παλιού...