Watch Chris Joslin's Etnies 'Album' Part! 30 May 2018 Απολαύστε το πολυσυζητημένο full part του υπεράνθρωπου Chris Joslin από το νέο team video της Etnies με τίτλο Album!Δες το τώρα ..θα είναι διαθέσιμο μόνο για 24 ώρες!
Lines Contest-2nd Spot with Eftihis Arvanitopoulos 31 Jul 2012 Known as the Greek ''Tech Master'' and the winner of the first Lines Contest ...his name is Eftihis Arvanitopoulos comes from Volos !!!!!
Eftixis Arvanitopoulos - Etnies Greece 21 Jul 2012 Eftixis Arvanitopoulos just send us a clip with his latest tech accomplishments on a skateboard. So sit back relax and watch this mini part he made for ETNIES Greece. ENJOY!!!
The Original Lines Contest No2-1st Spot Eftihis Arvanitopoulos 12 May 2012 The second skater for Lines Contest No2 is etnies rider Eftihis Arvanitopoulos who had won the Lines Contest No1 !!!!enjoy.
Matt Wilkinson signs with etnies. 29 Jan 2012 Etnies is excited to welcome Matt “Wilko” Wilkinson to its surf team! Wilko charged his way into the top 30 ASP Men’s World Ranking and warmed people’s hearts with his vividly designed wetsuits and wild ways of life, making etnies proud to call him one of its own. "Wilko is an incredible talent," said Mike Regan, etnies Global Brand Director. “He's...
Eftihios Arvanitopoulos - ETNIES 18 Jan 2012 Check out some tech skateboarding from our friend and ETNIES team rider Eftihios Arvanitopoulos. ENJOY!!! Also don't forget to check out the 2 parts that Eftihis did for***************** <br /> <br />
Etnies - We're Waiting On You, Dude 15 Dec 2011 Το καλοκαίρι που μας πέρασε το team Etnies έκανε μία περιοδία στην βόρεια Ευρώπη με σκοπό να περάσουν καλά κάνοντας skate. Αφού δείτε το παρακάτω clip θα καταλάβετε πως μάλλον πέτυχαν τον σκοπό τους, ENJOY-ALWAYS!!! Etnies "We're Waiting...
ryan sheckler's etnies x PLAN B 12 Nov 2011 fresh from etnies! Introducing the etnies x Plan B Sheckler 6 LX from etnies on Vimeo.
5 minutes with ''Lizard'' 6 Nov 2011 Δεν νομίζω οτι χρειάζεται intro για το personality του Γιάννη Μητρόπουλου aka Lizard...Μετά από το Labyrinth tour έχασα λίγο τα ιχνη του αλλα έμαθα ότι έιχε μερικούς απανοτους τραυματισμούς... μιλάγαμε άνα περιόδους μεσο mail h facebook και...
That trip we went on by ETNIES! 22 Oct 2011 Sean Sexton, Tony Hamlin, Nathan Williams, Aaron Ross, Lloyd wright, Tom Dugan, Bobby Altiser, and Geoff Slattery took a trip from Denver to L.A. Walter Pieringer was on hand for all of it, and made a great edit of everything that happened along the way. Thanks to V.Sapounas for sharing on facebook! <br />
Cairo Enjois Etnies! 2 Sep 2011 Etnies is proud to announce that Cairo Foster is now on their team. Click on over to the etnies site to watch his welcome video and read an interview with the newest addition to the team...
ETNIES skateable house! 17 Jul 2011 Πολύ καλό το concept και η ιδέα της ETNIES, αλλά κάτι μου θυμίζει...