Watch Day 1 Of ParkoLuna 7! 3 Apr 2019 Απολαύστε την πρώτη μέρα του ParkoLuna 7 που ήταν κυρίως αφιερωμένη στο TSG Kids Race και το ζηλευτό Neff water slide challenge!Stay tuned for day 2!
Parkoluna Returns To Kalavrita! 13 Mar 2019 Στις 24 & 25 Μαρτίου 2019 το MicroXtreme σε συνεργασία με το Χιονοδρομικό Κέντρο Καλαβρύτων διοργανώνουν το 7ο Parkoluna.To μακροβιότερο snowboard event (από το 1995) που στην πορεία του στον χρόνο κατάφερε να γίνει θεσμός και συγκεντρώνει...
Billabong Kids Only Surf Event 2017! 9 Aug 2017 Event για παιδιά και μεγάλους και φέτος από την Billabonggreece στο BeachBreak Lagouvardos! Μικροί surfers έως 14 ετών Θα αγωνιστούν σε 4 κατηγορίες: 1. Το πιο μακρύ κύμα, 2. Το πιο μεγάλο κύμα 3. Το πιο καλό expression session (τρικ), 4. Παιδιά και γονιός...
SLUT BOARDSHOP goes to VANS SHOP RIOT EUROPEAN FINALS 2015 14 Oct 2015 Δείτε και διαβάστε για την εμπειρία του SLUT BOARDSHOP crew που πήγε στους τελικούς του VANS SHOP RIOT SERIES...!!! Η μεγάλη ημέρα είχε φτάσει, η ημέρα που τα καμάρια της Ελλάδας θα επισκεπτόμασταν την Ισπανία για το Vans Shop Riot contest. Το crew...
Music On Board VOL.4 14 Jul 2015 Δείτε το βίντεο του καθιερωμένου πλεον φεστιβάλ για την Πάτρα Music On Board που πραγματοποιήθηκε το Σάββατο 13 Ιουνίου και φέρει σφραγίδα του Fifty Fifty boardshop στον τομέα της οργανωσης...καί οχι μόνο...!support your local skateshop KIDS!!!!
MONSTER ENERGY Athens SX 2012! 11 Dec 2012 This past weekend one of Athens biggest annual events took place at S.E.F. arena...2012's ATHENS SUPERCROSS powered by MONSTER ENERGY is always a treat not only for bike lovers but an opportunity to see live a great show that you don't get to see everyday! Seriously,how often do you get to see head to head battles on dirt and guys flipping motorbikes on 25m kickers? So this year the...
Burton Youth Team Hits the Parks and the Pipe 27 Nov 2012 Well there isn’t much to say about these kids… Burton has definitely chosen some of the finest small rippers, amongst others, Red Gerard & Kyle Mack! Get inspired (or frustrated) and enjoy!
FULL ON - Skate Contest photos 26 Jun 2012 Little kids, girls, hammers, old men, young guns older guns, all were there at the 'Our park' skate plaza for the Full on skate contest.Here are some photos to take a glimpse of what went down last Saturday at the vodafon cu skate plaza. ************************************************************************* Young gun - boneless 180 Crooked Girls were having...
Burning Ink London 2012 - Official Edit 18 Apr 2012 The 4th edition of Burning Ink finished on the 31st of March , as art was inked and burned at the closing ceremony on Cheshire Street, East London. The unique art show concept, which has been running at Beach London through March, saw three of the unique hand drawn pieces become tattoo at Kids Love Ink, whilst the rest were lost to the fire on Saturday night. That brings the London stop of...
Volcom Peanut Butter Rail Jam Photos! 4 Mar 2012 PBRJ took place at kalavrita ski center this past weekend on the 3rd of march. The sun was shining all day long. It was the perfect weather for a perfect day!The DJ on the decks kept the music loud.. and smiles,laughs and lot of snowboard tricks were landed all over the park! Winners of the contest : Dimitris maniatis-mens category , Jason Siamidas-kids and Dora Tzortzaki for womens!
PROPAGANDA SHOOTING STARS Tour Video Teaser #1 8 Dec 2011 This is the first teaser for the shooting stars european tour..15th of January is the realeasing day of the video..and im sure you are gonna be so hyped with those kids.. Here are some photos from the same spot as the teaser is!!! Giannis...
KIDS 22 Sep 2011 Μια σειρά μικρού μήκους από πιτσιρικάδες skaters, για να πάρετε μια ιδέα από τα skateparks της Αθήνας..
90's nostalgia or not? 18 Jul 2011 The Stussy Las Vegas crew takes us through a summer day trip on the outskirts of sin city. First they hit an abandoned patch of desert for some afternoon fun and then head to the pool to cool off during a night time swim session. but the above ad reminds me the scene in the pool from ''THE KIDS'' film Directed by Larry Clark back in 1995!!!Harold Hunter R.I.P!