VOULIAGMENI 28-29-30-11-12...part 1
Vouliagmeni offered waves for 3 days straight ...sometimes small and windy and some other times bigger and cleaner...but surfing near your house always feels great...right?Check out some photos that Makis Katopodis sent us and stay tuned for part 2!
Isidoros racing down the line!
Lino a.k.a'' 5starcrush '' about to frontside snap !!!He can repair your board too ...contact him here!

Solo cruising on a windy afternoon starring Kostas Levedis.
yes ,it was crowded!!!

unknown eyeing the foamy lip!

Unknown backside snapping ..

In order to surf Vouliagmeni properly and get the bigger waves you need a flatter rockered board .Dimitris Pilixos knows that ...!
Isidoros racing down the line!
Lino a.k.a'' 5starcrush '' about to frontside snap !!!He can repair your board too ...contact him here!
Solo cruising on a windy afternoon starring Kostas Levedis.
yes ,it was crowded!!!
unknown eyeing the foamy lip!
Unknown backside snapping ..
In order to surf Vouliagmeni properly and get the bigger waves you need a flatter rockered board .Dimitris Pilixos knows that ...!