Pick your break

Pick your ski center

Joey's latest part..

Πριν απο λίγο ο Joey μου έστειλε το part  που έφτιαξε απο την περασμένη σεζόν..Βλέποντας το video που μου έστειλε σκέφτηκα κάποιες φωτογραφίες που είχα τραβήξει μαζί του πριν απο 2 καλοκαίρια στην Γαλλια...Του ζήτησα να μου πει μερικά λόγια για εκείνες τις μέρες που πέρασε σχεδόν ένα μήνα με μια ομάδα απο έλληνες..

Click for his part Joey Vandermeer 

Τα λόγια του Joey..

So... where do I start?
The journey starts with my fellow colleague Alex Pope, after long hard ached pain of traveling by train, then bus and then another bus we finally made it to Les Deux Alpes. Got into our housing apartment where we shall share plenty of moments for the next 6 weeks. In between those 6 weeks was easily the most remembered and cherished memories I will have for the rest of my lifetime. I believe, the meeting point of the "goons from Greece" was in L'avalanche, the night club. There was a sense of togetherness, and the fact that we all loved the exact same things. From that point on we were all one group of goons, waking up in the morning to meet each other at ones house, get on the gondola's and we were back on the hill. Next thing you know we were off the hill, had the same instincts to repeat steps 1-2-3, another footlong has disappeared and then the hunger kicks in! One thing I remember best, was living right above Le Take Away, so we would never have to let our munchies stop us from feasting somewhere insanely close. Once the night came around, there were bottles galore and we made damn sure that the club was ours. The consistency was undeniable, and the friendships were priceless, the memories... well most of them will be cherished or atleast the ones you can remember haha!! These were the days of our lives as you'd call it, and I wish they would've never stopped, but everything good must come to an end sometime right? Well I truly know someday, our paths will meet again, and that is truly a fact because now they have already collided! These are the people and memories I will remember for the rest of my life!!! Love to Greece, from a true American!! MALAKA!! 
